What’s happening? Rather than having a single Sunday Gathering at the Chapel (808 E 19th), we meet at various parks around the city, one Sunday each month in the summer.
Why? Our summer is focused around the Rule of Life. We take time in our regular Sunday Gatherings to learn about various spiritual practices that make up our Rule of Life. We also want to take a Sabbath from our regular gatherings (so our teams, servants and staff can also rest) but make and keep the relational and spiritual connection we would have with each other. At your gathering the leaders may or may not call everyone together for a quick prayer or liturgy provided by our pastoral staff, but we encourage each of you to practice spiritual friendmaking and hospitality while you gather.
ASL Picnic - Ernie Winch Park - 7680 15th St, Burnaby, BC V3N 1Z4
3444 Saint Catherines St. (Backyard)
Riley Park - Ontario and 30th
411 East 17th St. (Backyard)
Note: there will be no gathering held at the Chapel on this date.