Ransomed from Fear // Mark 8:34-35; 10:41-45

As we continue our winter series in Mark’s gospel, we focus in on an application of Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection as “the ransom for many”. In this teaching, we learn how Jesus ransoms us from the fear we experience in witness and invites us to a place of obedience and delight. Recorded January 26, 2025.

Note: we experienced a power outage 25 mins into the recording and unfortunately lost about 5 mins of teaching content. This section has been removed.

The Covenant // Genesis 9:1-17

As we near the end of the Noah narrative, we come to a recreation moment in Genesis 9 where we hear God giving instructions to the humans about how they are to live. When we contrast this passage with the original instructions given to humanity in Genesis 1, we find some curious differences which point out the problem of human violence and how God adapts to partner with flawed human partners. Recorded November 24, 2024.

Seth's Genealogy // Genesis 5

This week, we come to an ancient genealogy, an odd part in our study of life outside the garden in Genesis. In this teaching, we’ll explore this strange passage within two contexts, other ancient lists of people with really long ages and the genealogy of Cain already given in Genesis 4, to understand what it may have meant for the original hearers and how it encourages us to live today as witnesses to a different story who always have hope because God is at work in the world. Recorded September 22, 2024.

Lamech // Genesis 4:17-26

This week, we continue on in our study of Genesis 4-11 by looking at Lamech, the worst character we’ve met so far. Through his story, we observe how sin spreads darkness by breaking down relationships between men and women, specifically marriages, and turns our culture making efforts into tools of oppression and violence. Finally, we look at how the darkness around us might be an invitation to call out to God. Re-recorded September 19, 2024.