Lenten Practices
Lent is the season leading up to Easter, when Christians have traditionally followed Jesus into the wilderness by fasting from lesser things to be filled with the greater things he offers. How individuals choose to observe Lent has changed over the years but at Reality Church we still observe this season on the church calendar as a community. This year, we’ve encouraged each person to choose one of a few ways to observe Lent, and journey together with others doing the same.
Lent practice one: Is there a habit, distraction, or heart direction God is calling you to step away from for a season? Is there a habit, discipline, or heart direction that God is calling you to step into for a season? Use the Rule of Life to guide you in this practice.
Lent practice two: Pick up the UGM Lent Guide at the back of the service or download the pdf for a Scripture reflection each day written by pastors and contributors across the city.
Lent practice three: Journey through the resource Prayer: 40 Days of Practice or May It Be So, both written by Justin McRoberts with art by Scott Erickson. Use this more visual resource to enter into the practices of reflection, contemplation, and listening prayer in this season.
Lent practice four: Download the Lectio 365 Prayer app and take up the daily rhythm of prayer through the Lenten season.
Lent practice as a family: Using the Little Way Chapel Lenten Devotional, do a weekly practice as a family through the time of Lent into Holy Week.
Lent practice with younger children: Using the Jesus Storybook Bible and the 2024 Lent Guide, journey through Lent with a Bible reading plan paper chain, colouring pages, printable art, and more.
Additional book suggestions: Lent: The Seasonal of Repentance and Renewal by Esau McCaulley, Drawn to the Cross by Henri Nouwen
Whichever practice you choose, consider journeying together with others as we ask Creator God to loosen our grip on lesser things and reveal to us the greater found in him.
Let’s begin.