Jubilee and the Scandal of Suffering // Luke 7:18-23

In our last week in the Gospel of Luke, we look at Jesus words to John the Baptist in Luke 7, “blessed is the one who isn’t offended by me”. By looking at the context and the sharing of a personal story, we see the scandal of suffering, the invitation to reshape the vision of who God is around Jesus, and the invitation to reshape the vision of our lives around the pattern of Jesus death and resurrection. Recorded May 7, 2023.

And Who is A Neighbour? // Luke 10:25-37

As we continue our exploration of the Jubilee theme in Luke’s Gospel, Mitch Claassen leads us through the familiar story of “The Good Samaritan”. In this teaching, we are invited to move from asking “Who is my neighbour?” to “Who is a neighbour?” and how we must receive mercy from God if we’re going to minister mercy to others. Apologies - the first few minutes of the audio were cut off. Originally preached March 26, 2023.

Our Scriptures: Complementarianism // Community Hermeneutic

In our third week of the Community Hermeneutic process, we explore the Biblical passages that support a complementarion position on gender and leadership within the church, including 1 Corinthians 11, 14 and 1 Timothy 2. While various people may or may not agree with this position, it offers us a chance to reflect on being centered on Jesus and the importance of submission to Jesus. Originally preached January 29, 2023.

Invitation to Tell Our Stories // Community Hermeneutic

In the second of our six week series, we learn about the importance of telling our stories, both to be Biblical and in order to hear God's Word well. We travel through three sets of questions on the topic of gender and leadership to give voice what we think and feel at a gut level, why we might feel that way on a personal level and why we this might be important for us in this time and place. Finally, we receive an invitation to tell our stories and listen to others stories as a spiritual exercise. Originally preached January 22, 2023.