What Is This? // Genesis 2:4-8

When exploring the first few chapters of Genesis, we’re confronted with many questions as modern readers. This week, we look at what the authors may have been trying to communicate through this ancient literature and how it invites us into the rest of the story of God. This is the second sermon in this series, originally recorded September 24, 2023. Unfortunately, the first sermon was not recorded.

Creating a Rule of Life - Rule of Life Summer 2023 // Ephesians 4:1-24

Throughout the summer we've been hearing about various spiritual practices, but how do we put it all together? This week, we learn what the vision is for our lives and community, we spend some time discerning what our current rule of life is and how we might join God with our effort and energy through stopping and starting spiritual practices. Recorded August 20, 2023.

The Critical Journey Stages of Faith - Rule of Life Summer 2023

Do you feel stuck or have you experienced a loss of faith? Do you need another way of looking at the journey of life and God? This week, Rev. Shel Boese helps us explore the stages of faith on the spiritual journey as adapted from J. Hagberg and R. Guelich's Critical Journey. 1 Sam 17:32,45-47 , Luke 18:14-17, Prov. 1:7.

Originally recorded August 13, 2023.

Prayer - Rule of Life Summer 2023 // John 17:1-18

We continue to learn about spiritual practices that make up our Rule of Life by looking at Jesus’ longest prayer in John 17:1-18. Through a mix of teaching and reflection, Karli Baldwin invites us to note the blessings and battles of Jesus. The video shown at 19:01, which we weren't able to capture the audio from, can be seen here.

Originally recorded August 8, 2023.

Reconciliation - Rule of Life Summer 2023 // 2 Corinthians 5:16-21

This week, we were invited to consider the spiritual practice of reconciliation through guest speakers, Gordie Lagore and Frances Carlick. Gordie shared how the church community of Vancouver Eastside Vineyard Church learned to partner with God in reconciliation with communities of Lower Post, BC. Recorded July 31, 2023 - we apologize for the poor sound quality.

Teach Us To Pray - Rule of Life Summer 2023 // Luke 11:1-4

This week we begin our annual summer Rule of Life series as we teach and explore practices that help us become people that look like Jesus. Teaching from The Lord’s Prayer in the gospel of Luke, Pastor Mitch Claassen encourages us to see how a life of prayer modelled by Jesus satisfies our deepest longings and allows us to be refreshed in our identities and the vision of what God is doing in the world. Originally recorded July 16, 2023.

Extension of the Table for Mission // Luke 10:1-9

This week, we focus on the third and final table - the half circle of mission in the world - as we continue on in our series on the extension of God’s presence through the table. In this teaching, we begin to look at Jesus’ invitation to mission in Luke 10 by focusing on the calling and context of mission. This is the first in a two part teaching and was recorded July 2, 2023.

Jubilee and the Scandal of Suffering // Luke 7:18-23

In our last week in the Gospel of Luke, we look at Jesus words to John the Baptist in Luke 7, “blessed is the one who isn’t offended by me”. By looking at the context and the sharing of a personal story, we see the scandal of suffering, the invitation to reshape the vision of who God is around Jesus, and the invitation to reshape the vision of our lives around the pattern of Jesus death and resurrection. Recorded May 7, 2023.