The God Who Shows Us His Glory // John 17:1-8

How does Jesus approach the “hour” of distress that has arrived? Ending his longest teaching, and beginning his longest prayer, Jesus approaches this hour as a priest. Instead of trying to grab more control, or evade discomfort, Jesus offers himself to God and pleads to be glorified. This week we are invited to remember the weight of God’s glory, and to follow Jesus in ASKING for God to show us his glory, so that we might display his glory to the world. Re-recorded March 4, 2024.

The God Who Is Apocalypse // John 15:18-25

As we continue in our series on the Upper Room Discourse in John’s Gospel, we come to difficult words from Jesus about conflict and hatred. Looking at Jesus’ words within the language of apocalypse, we see why Jesus uses this language, whom the conflict is between and what this means for us today as people invited to sit around the table with Jesus. Recorded February 18, 2024.

The God who is Three and One // John 14:6-26

We continue our journey with Jesus and his disciples around the table in the gospel of John. This week, we look at Jesus' amazing words about the relationships within God of Father, Jesus and Spirit, which the church has called the Trinity. We explore how this relationship is designed to break our brains, how we can know God through Jesus, and how we are faced with an amazing invitation. This teaching included watching a video by the Bible Project, which can be found here. We apologize as the first few verses of the Scripture reading was cut off. Recorded January 28, 2024.

The God Who Invites Questions // John 14:1-6

As we continue in our series on the Last Supper in the gospel of John, this week we begin to focus on Jesus' iconic statement that he is the way, the truth, and the life. We notice that Jesus self-disclosure comes as the answer to Thomas' question and are invited to consider how important our questions might be for our personal and communal relationship with Jesus. Recorded January 14, 2024.